b'UNITED TO ADVANCE OURcampus Space to Live and Work setting with diverse retailers, markets, and dining options. It isnt all about workFitzsimons Innovation Community is a place to call home. The Community offers a growing array of housing options to suit young professionals, busy executives, and families andCommunity members enjoy Colorados 300 days of sunshine a Greater Denver: An Emerging Leader in Life Sciences visionary schools delivering world-class education for kids. year, Front Range mountain views, and endless opportunities The Aurora/Metro Denver area provides a vibrant urbanto enjoy life outdoors.in place to specifically support life sciences companies provides DAVID SAADa competitive advantage. A company can move into FitzsimonsKEY:1 Distance in MilesLight Rail RouteCBRE,without needing to invest significant capital in outfitting the EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT spaceand, with 125 acres available for additional development, FITZSIMONS companies have the flexibility to grow their existing footprint inTRANSIT STATIONThe onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 put athe future.spotlight on the life sciences industry, yet in reality the sectorEqually important to life sciences companies is knowledgeFITZSIMONS PARKWAY.1 SAND was already quietly becoming a powerhouse, with Metro Denver .1 CREEK sharing. Fitzsimons Innovation Community is already home toAURORA PARKINTERSTATE 225emerging as a major player.SCIENCE & TECHmore than 80 startups and established life sciences companies. .1 .3 MIDDLE SCHOOLFunding for U.S. life sciences companies is at an all-time high.It is also adjacent to the clinicians, researchers, and talent The industry received $10 billion in venture capital in the firstpipeline at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, quarter of 2021, 60% above the previous high set one quarterhome to Childrens Hospital Colorado, UCHealth, and the new VA .2.1.3earlier, according to the PwC Moneytree Explorer survey. WithHospital. This brain trust fuels innovation and provides a reliable record funding in play, life sciences employment is rising fasterrecruiting network. FITZSIMONSCOMPOSITIVE than any other U.S. industry, including tech. Across the Fitzsimons campus, community space is availableCENTRAL PARK 3 PARK PRIMARYIn Colorado, life sciences companies raised a record $704 millionfor hosting networking, educational, and training events. TheseNEIGHBORHOOD.4from public, private, and federal sources in the first quarter ofspaces facilitate connections between Community members .12021. The area encompassing Denver and Boulder now ranksand key industry leaders. The Community also offers access toBIOSCIENCE 5.1as the 10th largest U.S. life sciences market in terms of squareshared scientific equipment, administrative services, conference 2 21 FITZSIMONS footage of lab space, according to CBREs mid-year 2021 liferooms, tenant lounges, cafs, and lab space, alleviating the need .1 APARTMENTSsciences report. Demand for lab space in Metro Denver hasfor individual companies to make significant investments in .1increased nearly 90% since last fall. There are more than 30 lifethese services.STANLEYPARKING sciences companies searching for a cumulative 1.6 million squareMARKETPLACE GARAGE BIOSCIENCE 3 THE FREMONT Fitzsimons Innovation Community has an incubator buildingCENTRALRESIDENCESfeet of lab space in the Denver and Boulder area, where vacancyas well as graduate space available on-site to nurture startupsGREENstands at just 3.8%, well below the national average of 5.6%.and is one of the only developments of its kind to offer a BIOSCIENCE 1 BIOSCIENCE 2 THE BENSON HOTEL Poised to help meet this demand is the Fitzsimons Innovationcapital arm. The CU Healthcare Innovation Fund is a strategicAND FACULTY CLUBCommunity. This project and the adjacent University of Coloradohealthcare-focused venture capital firm affiliated with the PEORIA STREET .1Anschutz Medical Campus makeUniversity of Colorado Anschutz .1up one of the largest bioscienceMedical Campus. It invests in .6developments in the nation. FitzsimonsIn Colorado, life sciencesventures across the healthcare Innovation Community just launchedcompanies raised a recordspectrum, including healthcare IT,UNIVERSITY OF COLORADOBIOSCIENCE its fifth building this summer, beingtech-enabled services, and selectANSCHUTZ MEDICAL CAMPUS EASTbuilt speculatively to accommodate$704 million from public,high-potential medical device and a range of functions including lab,private, and federal sourcespharmaceutical technologies. COLFAX AVENUEoffice, distribution, and manufacturing. Construction is expected to complete in the first quarter of 2021. There are few developments across the U.S. that can compare to in the third quarter of 2022.Fitzsimons Innovation Community Timing is important as theres a speed-to-market urgency inin their ability to meet the unique needs of life sciences companies. biotech. When a company receives funding, its critical they getCombining some of the best lab and office space in the nationCommunity Impactquick access to the space they need to develop their productwith access to funding and top-tier talent, Metro Denver isKUNSMILLERand grow their operations. A place like Fitzsimons Innovationcementing its position as a life sciences industry leader.Fitzsimons Innovation Community supportsCREATIVE ARTS ACADEMYCommunity with existing conditioned space and infrastructurelocal youth, families, and individuals.18Fitzsimons Innovation Community Annual Innovation Report 19'