b'MomentumColorado BioScienceCBRE AC-REP Metro Denver EDC City of AuroraWithin theAssociation DAVID SAADLISA HOUGHRAYMOND GONZALESMIKE COFFMAN Region ELYSE BLAZEVICHEXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT & CEO PRESIDENT MAYORPRESIDENT & CEO AC-REP, or the Adams County RegionalHome to some of the fastest-growingFitzsimons Innovation Community Metro Denver is strategically positionedEconomic Partnership, fosters growthcounties in the nation, Metro Denveris the backbone of Auroras growing Colorados life sciences community isto outperform the rest of the country for building momentum, with more thanits unparalleled work-life balance andand innovation in the greater region,attracts businesses and keeps them. bioscience industry. We are thrilled 720 companies, excellent academic andthe ability of local companies to recruitcreating an environment where itsOur workforce, competitive environment,to have a leader like Fitzsimons bring research institutions, and comprehensiveand retain top talent from around theeconomy and people thrive. We are proudcentral location, and diverse economictogether the best and brightest in infrastructure to support growth.nation and the globe. In 2022, a CBREto partner with Fitzsimons Innovationfoundation bring companies here. Poweredthe field to advance health and care Companies choose Colorado as the right placeanalysis recognized the greater Denver/ Community in fulfilling this visionby a highly skilled and uniquely passionatesolutions from concept to reality.to start, grow, or relocate because of our pro- Aurora/Boulder area for its life sciencesbecause opportunities in the life sciencestalent pool, Colorado is a magnet forThe Community attracts cutting-edge business environment for health innovation,talent. The region stood out for the paceoffer outstanding work prospects for ourpurpose-driven businesses and industrybusinesses, highly skilled professionals, highly skilled and educated workforce, andat which it is adding life sciences researchfuture generation.leaders working on todays biggest issuesand new residents to our city. In unmatched quality of life. Trends include: jobs and for the quality of the talent. ForOur local community comprises young,and tomorrows cutting edge. addition to the positive economic Reputation for top talent. Colorado ranks asexample, the number of bioengineersdiverse talent with a median age of 33The nine-county Metro Denver andimpact and quality job creation, medical the #1 state for talent, boasts the #1 metroand biomedical engineers grew by 116%and a majority of minority residents.Northern Colorado region is a globaladvances developed at Fitzsimons for STEM job growth, and has the #2 mostin Denver/Aurora/Boulder from 2015Were one of the fastest-growing regionsepicenter for bioscience research andInnovation Community are improving educated workforce.to 2020, giving the area the greatestin the Metro Denver area, with relativelyan exceptional place to start, grow,and saving lives in Aurora and beyond. Convergence of cell and gene therapy.absolute number of these occupations affordable housing and a lower costcommercialize, or relocate a bioscienceIts exciting to watch new life-saving More than 30 companies are focused onin the U.S.of living. Residents delight in access tobusiness. Several factors contribute totechnologies and breakthroughs variations of life-saving cell and gene therapymultiple recreation options, from thethe regions thriving industryincludingemerge right in our backyard, further technologies. Our research indicates theseFitzsimons Innovation Community is companies expect to create more than uniquely located with proximity to bothRocky Mountain National Wildlife Refugea collaborative business culture, world- establishing Aurora as a destination for 1,000 jobs in the next five years and raisetransportation at DIA, located only 15to bike trails that connect our many parks.class academic and research institutions,bioscience discovery. $230 million.a favorable tax climate, and a highly Growth of medical device development. minutes away, and downtown Denver.Our young population means that In 2020-2021, Colorado companies hadThis combination is unlike any otherschools are evolving to meet the futureeducated workforce. 2,238 investigational and approved medicallife sciences offering across Colorado,educational needs of employers. CareerMetro Denvers life sciences market continues to grow and mature. According to devices, a 191% increase compared to theenabling companies to recruit top talentand technical training programs offerCBREs Leading Life Science Cluster Report, the regions ongoing expansion of the previous one-year period.seeking to live near the entertainmentearly exposure to healthcare and mentalindustrys labor force, record venture-capital investments, a top-20 destination for Increased state support. CBSAs Policy +hub of downtown Denver, while alsohealth professions. The curiosity thatNational Institutes of Health funding, and strong demand for lab space are attracting Advocacy leadership includes protecting andoptimizing national and internationalsparks a student early in life can leadnew companies and accelerating growth for life sciences in Colorado. growing state-funded programs that support life sciences. Legislation passed in 2022distribution. Not to mention, the entireto future entrepreneurs for companiesEntrepreneurial and established companies continually choose the region for company expanded the Advanced Industries Investor Fitzsimons Innovation Community hasgrowing at Fitzsimons. In addition,expansions and relocations. Global organizations are deepening their investments in Tax Credit by 433%.immediate access to clinical trial facilitiesthe region is strong in traditional and Successful Fundraising. In 2021, Coloradojust across the street on the CU Anschutzinnovative food production businessesthe region and companies have raised significant capital. New construction continues life sciences companies raised more thanMedical Campus. These relationships arethat can benefit from research andto support research, development, and manufacturing capabilities.$2.4 billion from public, private, federal, andThe continued investment at Fitzsimons Innovation Community accelerates state sources, doubling the previous yearskey in executing the newest ideas anddevelopment on campus. We look totals of $1.2 billion. technology in health and care, and we forward to increasing that momentum development efforts of the Metro Denver region and Colorado. Fitzsimons is not only Colorado BioScience Association is proudsee it happen every day. in the future.an anchor institution of Colorado, but a natural attraction for bioscience and medical to champion the growth and health of thedevice innovators globally.states life sciences ecosystem. 16Fitzsimons Innovation Community Annual Innovation Report 17'