b'4. Capital + GrowthTheres Capital in ColoradoInvestors are quickly learning that their dollars gowith CU Innovations gives our Community members further in Colorado. For the past seven consecutiveaccess to important biomedical technologies and clinical years, life sciences organizations have raised overtrial validation, as well as startup development and a billion dollars annually in our state, a trend thatfunding. In addition, the Startup Foundry, a dedicated doesnt show any signs of slowing down.environment designed for CU Innovations startup companies, is right here on the Fitzsimons Innovation The $110 million CU Healthcare Innovation Fund isCommunity campus and supports rapid acceleration of a strategic healthcare-focused venture capital firmCU Anschutz spinout companies.investing in the industrys up-and-comers, many of them right here on our campus. Working closely Fitzsimons Innovation Community by the Numbers$116M in72 innovations and investments 33 patentsIn 2023, FitzsimonsIn the past four years, Innovation CommunityFitzsimons Innovation member companiesCommunity member attracted more thancompanies introduced 72 $116M in investments toinnovations and 33 patents support R&D, prepare forto the market.clinical trials, accelerate commercialization, and retain or recruit talent.More than half of companies forged strategic partnerships In 2023, partnerships were formed primarily for business collaboration, legal services, and venture capital opportunities.Fitzsimons Innovation Community Member Growth Survey responses (January - December 2023)6Fitzsimons Innovation Community Bringing Life Sciences Innovators Home to Colorado'