b'5. Community + InfrastructureHistory Happens Here Building a Strategic NetworkOur commitment to health innovation began aOur partnerships with universities, local economic century ago when the U.S. Army built Fitzsimonsdevelopment agencies, state and local governments, General Hospital on this land to treat soldiersand the bioscience industry are part of what drives returning home from World War I. This rich historyFitzsimons Innovation Community forward. By inspires Fitzsimons Innovation Community as wecollaborating with these organizations, weve created work to transform the future of health and care.a network able to provide every kind of support for Our mission has always been to create a placeorganizations that choose to build or relocate here. where innovators, visionaries, and risk takers find common ground while discovering and developingDo your employees need housing or help finding the the next big things in life sciences.right schools for their kids? Do your visiting partners need a place to stay? Do you need to expand a research project beyond your four walls? We know exactly who to put you in touch with. By creating a partnership network with the larger Colorado life sciences and economic ecosystem, weve made it easier to expand and combine resources, share ideas, and build collaborations that harbor innovation. Fitzsimons Innovation Community Infrastructure25Started moreSupporting 80Room to expandLeadership team with than 25 yearsvisionary organizationsand grow, with newdecades of experience ago and 800+ employees organizations arrivingin successful life each year sciences growthCollaborative partnershipsHome to companies at allRegular networking between Community membersdifferent stages of idea andand social events for and the University of Coloradoproduct development andCommunity members to Anschutz Medical Campus, stateevery stage of the productbuild relationshipsand local governments, andlifecycle economic resource organizations7'